I come from the most populous city of the most populous country in the world. My height and weight are both average, even my last name is the most common one. The nickname I've created for myself is derived from the word 'average'. I am the definition of the average which means I may understand so many 'ordinary' people better.
Fairly and objectively interpreting and expressing the needs of people, I chose and was honored to be one of these ordinary yet talented creators equipped with some special skills. During this journey, I also came to understand myself better, realizing how ordinary and unique I am at the same time. Design makes things so similar to each other yet one-of-a-kind.
ArtCenter College of Design
Master of Fine Arts | Graphic Design
Pasadena, CA
Shandong University
Bachelor of Fine Arts | Industrial Design
Jinan, China
Yonsei University
Seoul, South Korea
AKQA, Los Angeles, CA
Design Intern
FullJet, Shanghai, China
Senior Designer
Publicis Groupe, Shanghai, China
Senior Art Director
ARK Design, Shanghai, China
Visual Designer
KR Space, Shanghai, China
UI&UX Designer
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